quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

# karim rashid ( 'beautification' of the world )

Não sei se serão precisas mtas palavras... as imagens falam mais (neste caso) que mil palavras..

Para mim uma autêntica wildcard* na evolução do design contemporâneo....
» KarimManifesto:

"Today poetic design is based on a plethora of complex criteria: human experience, social behaviors, global, economic and political issues, physical and mental interaction, form, vision, and a rigorous understanding and desire for contemporary culture. Manufacturing is based on another collective group of criteria: capital investment, market share, production ease, dissemination, growth, distribution, maintenance, service, performance, quality, ecological issues and sustainability. The combination of these factors shape our objects, inform our forms, our physical space, visual culture and our contemporary human experience. These quantitative constructs shape business, identity, brand and value. This is the business of beauty. Every business should be completely concerned with beauty - it is after all a collective human needbelieve that we could be living in an entirely different world - one that is full of real contemporary inspiring objects, spaces, places, worlds, spirits and experiences. Design has been the cultural shaper of our world from the start. We have designed systems, cities, and commodities. We have addressed the world’s problems. Now design is not about solving problems, but about a rigorous beautification of our built environments. Design is about the betterment of our lives poetically, aesthetically, experientially, sensorially, and emotionally. My real desire is to see people live in the modus of our time, to participate in the contemporary world, and to release themselves from nostalgia, antiquated traditions, old rituals, kitsch and the meaningless. We should be conscious and attune with this world in this moment. If human nature is to live in the past - to change the world is to change human nature."

*O termo wild card era originalmente utilizado em jogos de cartas. Contudo a utilização do termo evoluiu para o que o Merriam-Webster Dictionary designa como "an unknown or unpredictable factor" (um factor desconhecido ou imprevisivel) aplicado hoje a um sem número de circunctâncias. Considero esta, uma merecedora do atributo desta expressão especial ;) que gosto particularmente.

1 comentário:

Untitled disse...

Vou mudar de malas e bagagens para madrid e gostava dessas obras na minha casa;)